About Me

Hi! My name's Connor Reakes and I'm a Fourth Year Architecture student at the University of Idaho. I'm also currently the AIAS Vice President at the University of Idaho's Chapter for the 2023-24 Academic Year. I'm also projected to be the Chapter's President for the 24-25 Academic Year where the chapter and I plan on organizing a bid for the 2025 West Quad Conference. 

As for graduation I'm projected to have my BArch Spring of 2024 and plan on furthering my education at the University of Idaho's Graduate Program in Moscow. I'm projected to have my MArch by Spring of 2026. Feel free to explore my portfolio website!

Some other things outside of architecture that I enjoy doing are spending quality time with friends, photography, golf, and writing! Throughout the website are some of my photos as well as written works.

“Live in joy. In love, even among those who hate."

the Dhammapada